
ECSA Headquarters
c/o Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung
Bereichsleitung Wissenschaftskommunikation und Wissensforschung
Invalidenstraße 43
D-10115 Berlin
Tel: +49 -30 – 2093 8776

European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)


The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) has developed into a powerful association, supporting and fostering citizen science across Europe and beyond to enhance the participation of the general public in scientific processes. It is an NGO (“eingetragener Verein” under German law) currently hosted at the Museum for Natural History in Berlin. ECSA is open to individual and institutional membership. It has a board of directors including a Chair, Vice-Chair and Steering Committee, supplemented by the Speakers of working groups that develop ECSA topics. ECSA promotes citizen science by fostering scientific literacy and the democratization of scientific expertise, engaging in the social relevance and sustainable impact of research, and improving the evidence base for environmental, biodiversity and climate change policy in Europe and globally. ECSA has established a broad network of organizations from 27 EU countries, USA, Australia and Brazil in various sectors including: NGOs, universities, research institutes, museums, civil society organizations, SMEs, policy and decision makers, as well as other local and national institutions.

Main Role in the Project

ECSA’s main tasks are in helping to coordinate and integrate the members of its network with WeObserve activities and events.Within WP2, ECSA will lead the mapping of the EU landscape of existing CO initiatives, relavant communities and their interactions (T2.1). In addition, ECSA will contribute to:

  • the Communities of Practice (CoPs, T2.2) and the development of the CO ‘Cookbook’ (T2.3)
  • Contribute to the dissemination of the WeObserve toolkits (T3.1) and MOOC (T3.2), and participate in capacity development activities and road shows (T3.3)
  • Help to develop the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan (T5.1) and contribute to the knowledge platform (T5.2)
  • Contribute to the hackathon and help to organize the workshops, events and the final WeObserve conference (T5.3)