Knowledge on co-designing citizen observatories (CO) and engaging is dispersed among various stakeholders, making it difficult to learn about common successes and challenges across projects. Many organisations have valid and important practice-based knowledge, but it is not brought together in such a way that a more general methodology can be developed.

CoP-engage intends to become an effective CO knowledge resource on co-design and citizen engagement (by 2019) to the CoP-engage members and other constituencies that may benefit from this CO expertise.

CoP-engage has the following specific objectives:

  • To identify and define strategic engagement practices and CO co-design aspects and elements;
  • To capture lessons learned (from success and failure) from the implementation of strategic engagement practices and CO co-design versions and tools in differing conditions;
  • To share these methods and lessons learned in CoP-engage, via the WeObserve Cookbook on Citizen Observatories and via other means.
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for the WeObserve
Communities of Practice
