ECSA Conference 2020
24 May 2021 @ 08:00 - 26 May 2021 @ 17:00
The ECSA Conference 2020,the European conference for citizen and participatory science will take place in Trieste, Italy, on 24-26 of May 2020. The conference will focus on junctures in science: between scientists and citizens; between East and West; between North and South; and between the different fields of science. Registrations to the ECSA 2020 conference will open in December 2019. Registration will be possible up to a maximum of 500 delegates on first-come first-served basis. Online registration will close two weeks before the start of the conference.If there are still places available, on-site registration will be also possible. On mid-February will be the Early Bird registration deadline. Find below the detailed price list to register in the conference.
Detailed price
ECSA members: EUR 250
Non ECSA members: EUR 350
Student* ECSA members: EUR 200
Student* non ECSA members: EUR 300
Early bird: Above prices minus EUR 50
On-site registration: above prices plus EUR 50
People who cannot afford these fees have the possibility to ask for a discounted price, to be agreed by the programme committee. Reduced tickets are limited to a maximum of 10% of delegates.
The deadline to submit a proposal was extended until 1st of November. Each proposal should focus on one of the following themes.
- Theme 1. The current state of citizen science
- Theme 2. Research on citizen science: current trends and future directions
- Theme 3. Inclusiveness, equity and empowerment in citizen science
- Theme 4. From Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe and national programmes: new opportunities for citizen science
- Theme 5. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), climate and biodiversity challenges, and citizen science
- Theme 6. Technology-mediated citizen science
- Theme 7. Communities of practice for participants in citizen science
- Theme 8. Citizen science in fragile contexts
Session formats
While you are welcome to submit a paper to the conference (at which point the programme committee will organize thematic sessions of papers), we encourage the development of sessions and proposals for them. Sessions can be proposed in a number of different formats (and we are open to other formats – do get in touch with the conference organizers if you wish to propose one).
- Presentations sessions: a set of talks, a panel or a discussion
- E-poster presentation sessions
- Interactive sessions
- Dialogue sessions
- Speed-talk sessions
- Other session formats
For more information about the conference, please visit the official website here.