CoP1-Co-designing citizen observatories and engaging citizens Inception Report
Inception Report of WeObserve Community of Practice on co-designing citizen observatories and engaging citizens
Title | CoP1-Co-designing citizen observatories and engaging citizens – Inception Report [Final] |
Author(s) | Uta Wehn (IHE Delft); Linda Velzeboer (IHE Delft) |
Subject | WeObserve Community of Practice; co-design; citizen engagement; inception report. |
Description | The objectives of the WeObserve Community of Practice on ‘co-designing citizen observatories and engaging citizens’ (CoP1) are captured in this inception report, as well as the planned activities, target audiences, ways of working and timeline for CoP1. Future members should adhere to the principles outlined in this document to join CoP1. |
Source | |
Relation | H2020 WeObserve project, Grant Agreement no 776740 |
Date Created | 3 September 2018 |
Date Issued | 3 September 2018 |
Resource Identifier | |
Resource Type | Report-Text |
Format | Text/PDF 1,2ΜΒ |
Coverage | No restrictions applicable. Open to all people who may express interest to join the Community of Practice (CoP) |
Rights management | Public report |
Language | English |