Within the WeObserve Project 29 Deliverables are foreseen. These documents reflect the project and the currently running COs results and are written and reviewed by the project experts. As soon as the documents are officially released the Public Deliverables  will be provided on this section.

Del No.

Deliverable Title

Delivery Date

D1.1 Kick-off summary and detailed project plan M2
D1.3 WeObserve data management plan M6
D2.1 EU landscape of existing citizen observatory initiatives/projects,
associations and networks
D2.2 Detailed terms of reference and guidelines for WeObserve Communities of Practice M7
D2.3 WeObserve COP Mid Term Progress Report M18
D2.4 Update: EU landscape of existing citizen observatory initiatives/projects, associations and networks M24
D2.5 WeObserve Policy Brief 1 M24
D2.6 WeObserve Policy Brief 2 M32
D2.7 WeObserve COP Final Report M36
D2.8 WeObserve Cookbook: Guidelines for creating successful and sustainable Citizens Observatories M36
D3.1 WeObserve toolkits for building champion communities I M15
D3.2 WeObserve distance learning programme I M20
D3.3 WeObserve toolkits for building champion communities II M27
D3.4 WeObserve distance learning programme II M30
D4.1 Citizen Observatories and GEO community activities M15
D4.2 Terms of reference of the standards relevant for Citizen Science, gaps and improvements M18
D4.3 Update: Citizen Observatories and GEO community activities M26
D4.4 Compendium of new best practices, standards and profile M28
D4.5 Copernicus services pilot report M30
D4.6 Monitoring of SDGs by COs: Recommendations and priorities M32
D5.2 Summary of WeObserve events, dissemination and  communication activities M16
D5.3 Update: Summary of WeObserve events, dissemination and communication activities M36

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